The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses into business models they never expected prior to 2020. According to the World Economic Forum, only 7% of United State employees were given the option to telecommute for their jobs prior to the health crisis. However, now 42% of employees are working from home full-time, representing a huge shift in standard policies, procedures and practices.

Most companies are used to collaborative meetings, face to face discussions and even impromptu idea sessions over the coffee maker. Suddenly having everyone remote causes a seismic shift in their methods of communication and teamwork, from project management to rapport building with colleagues.
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Organizations of all sizes have worried about the isolation of employees, a lack of communication, or lapses in workflow and productivity. From a human resources perspective, addressing how these changes can be met proactively and head onĀ  is an important mission.

Establishing Communication with a Remote Workforce

  • Reimagine Onboarding: Most companies offer some type of training or onboarding process for their new hires. These processes may now be held online or remotely, which may prove difficult for a new hire. While the remote environment does allow for hiring out-of-area (thus getting the most qualified candidates available), they will have to acquaint themselves with the company and their colleagues in a whole new way. Suggestions from hiring executives include holding video conferences with all new hires from a set period, in order to have them “meet” each other, but also pairing new hires with a mentor or “company guide” who can be available to answer basic questions and help them get a lay of the company land.
  • Establish and Encourage Chat: This may seem counter productive for getting work done, but employees used to the social environment of an office can feel isolated and cut off. Many people simply don’t understand the value of hallways conversations, or bouncing an idea off the worker at the next desk – that is, until they no longer occur. Setting up internal chat applications (such as Slack) with coworkers who are all working for the same project or goal can help to keep the ideas flowing, and the camaraderie intact. Expert Tip: Be sure to set up protocols for appropriate behavior in chat rooms. Nothing should be said or communicated in this less formal environment than would be accepted in the office.
  • Make the Rules Clear:
    One of the great benefits of working from home is that employees have more control over their schedules and can establish healthy work/home balance in their life. However, to those not accustomed to such freedom, distractions can be a real problem. They may be tempted to linger over breakfast and social media, or clean the house while no one is looking. For human resource professionals, the end game should be to establish the work-at-home criteria for each job description. For some, they may be required to be at their desk and available during business hours, such as those personnel who interact with clients. Others may be assessed based upon the work itself getting done, even if they do so during off hours. Setting up clear guidelines as to what is expected from each employee can help to alleviate misunderstandings and unmet expectations.
  • Set Up An Executive Town Hall: For those used to running into the big boss on occasion, be it in the lunch room or the company softball game, having no access is disconcerting. Set up a monthly “Town Hall” video conference and enable chat, so that employees can interact with executives, ask questions and voice concerns.
  • Plan Social Events: Even spread out, employees enjoy opportunities to build rapport with their coworkers. Consider adding chat rooms for specific interests (such as sports, music or movies) where employees can go after hours to interact. Some companies have done virtual happy hours, set up trivia contests, and had random giveaways for those offering great ideas and opinions. However you choose to set it up, your employees will appreciate the opportunity to have fun and stay in touch.

Even after the health crisis is behind us, experts predict remote workforces are here to stay. Call People HR Solutions today to review your Employee Policies and Procedures, and update them for the new way of doing business.